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Read Courting The Cop (2015)

Courting the Cop (2015)

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Courting The Cop (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

Her surprise at his early arrival increased when she saw he wasn’t alone. A tall, rangy man about the same age as Brody walked in with him.
    “This is Detective Shane Jackson,” Brody introduced him. “Shane, this is Abigail Brightwater.”
    “Nice to meet you, Ms. Brightwater.” Shane shook hands with her, curiosity frank in his face. He had dirty-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes that sparkled with humor. “I’m helping Brody out with his stakeout.”
    “Please call me Abigail.” She aimed a querying look at Brody. She hadn’t seen him since yesterday. By the time she’d returned from her neighborhood-watch meeting last night, he’d already left. His absence had disappointed her more than she liked to admit. “So things are getting serious?”
    “Yep. After I informed my lieutenant about O’Brien showing up at the library, he agreed to focus more resources on this stakeout.”
    Why was he being so stiff and formal with her?

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