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Read Covert Evidence

Covert Evidence

Online Book

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Janus Publishing

Covert Evidence - Plot & Excerpts

Shocked. Stunned. Rocked to his core. Never in all his years as a covert operative had he ever imagined what this moment could or would feel like. He’d been burned. His life’s work gone in an instant.He’d been labeled a terrorist. A double agent. A traitor. Bile rose in his throat.Every faction would now be gunning for him. Shoot to kill.And if that wasn’t bad enough, he had Cressida to deal with. Turning off the TV had been a stupid mistake. It hadn’t prevented her from seeing his picture and hearing the lies, but it had stopped him from finding out what had been disclosed.Cressida pummeled his good shoulder, demanding answers. He brushed her aside and hit the power button on the TV.“—Ian Boyd is considered armed and dangerous,” the news anchor said as another picture of him appeared on the screen, this one from when he was in the Army and beardless.Shit. He was well and truly cooked.“Boyd has been an employee of the United States Central Intelligence Agency for the last five years.

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