Doc had suggested she stay in bed until he said otherwise. So she did. On the second day, she’d asked about Ben. Asked about leaving. “Soon.” Mae said. “Ben and his men are gone.” “By gone you mean…” Ariadne couldn’t finish her sentence. “They have all been buried. The threat to you is gone.” “But Mr. Montez…” Ariadne knew just because Ben might be out of the picture didn’t mean that Mr. Montez wouldn’t seek for her silence to be permanent. “He’s…” Mae looked at Doc, then back at Ariadne. “Mr. Montez met with an—” Mae chewed on her lip. “—an unfortunate accident.” Ariadne narrowed her eyes. She recalled, long ago, that Fiona had told her Mae seemed deceptively simple, living in Bear Canyon Valley, running her hair salon. That she had connections that were powerful.