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Dan (2013)

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3802590910 (ISBN13: 9783802590917)
Egmont LYX

Dan (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

HUNT HER DOWN - BULLET CATCHER #7 - (Dan and Maggie)SOME VENDETTAS ARE HARD TO FORGET.Fourteen years ago, undercover FBI agent Dan Gallagher watched his lover, Maggie Varcek, flee into the Miami night as gunfire exploded around them. Now a Bullet Catcher, Dan has learned that drug lord Ramon Jimenez is out of prison after the FBI bust Maggie unwittingly aided, and is looking for revenge. Determined to protect the woman who still haunts his memory, Dan tracks Maggie down, undercover once again -- until his identity is stunningly blown. Furious at his past betrayal, Maggie refuses Dan's help, yet the passion between them still burns irresistibly hot. Then Ramon strikes terrifyingly close. The Jimenez family will do anything to gain the key they believe Maggie holds to their hidden fortune, and the rejoined lovers are forced into a race against time, trying to unlock the secret before everything they hold most dear is destroyed... forever. If you love red hot romantic suspense, you'll enjoy this next installment of the Bullet Catchers. Maggie Varcek Smith was once the girlfriend of an drug dealer and a lover of an undercover Narc agent, Michael Scott, carrying a secret with her--his baby. Fourteen years later, Dan Gallagher arrives in Marathon Florida, when word of the drug dealer she helped put away is released. When Dan falls in love with Maggie again, he can't stay away from her, and finds out about Quinn, who might be in danger, and fireworks explode. When they clear the air, they clear the air and helped protect each other, while fighting for their undying love. What a great novel!

What do You think about Dan (2013)?

I'm a Roxanne (Rocky) fan, so I'm biased. I read everything & love everything she writes.

Good read... The plot was engaging with a bit of a twist with the villian.

So glad Dan didn't end up w/ Lucy.

The best of the Series


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