She is in a pensive mood this afternoon. You feel you’ve known her for years, since college, maybe since high school. She was in a gleeful mood for several days after the story about gluing James Woods’ penis to his thigh with Crazy Glue, but that’s all stale gossip now, it probably didn’t happen anyway. What was Woods sleeping on a bench out in the lot in the nude for anyway? Who knows? We make up stories so that we can have a map involving people. There are so many stars in the sky it would take you a lifetime to memorize their different names. Some are 1000 light years away, some are 5000 light years away, they are really just small bits of rock like bits of the Rocky Mountains, bits of the Sierra Madre floating grey [black from a distance & burning with reflected light] & mysterious in the luminous blue light of outer space.
What do You think about Dancing In The Dark (1996)?