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Read Dangerous Desires (2010)

Dangerous Desires (2010)

Online Book

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Grand Central Publishing

Dangerous Desires (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Avery asked, as Drake joined them at the mouth of the clearing. Madeline had been uneasy ever since they’d left the airfield, but now suddenly the weight of what she was doing hit her full force.
If Ortiz caught up with her, she was a dead woman.
She glanced around the clearing, sizing up the opportunities for escape. If things went well, she’d let them get her out of the country, and then make her move. But if things went south—and it was beginning to look as if that was going to be the case—the only choice she had was to make her escape on her own.
She owed these people nothing.
“I’ve got no idea. Tyler says she checked everything before we left. So your guess is as good as mine. Anyway, the point is that all of it’s trashed,” Drake was saying. “And if Jason can’t get through to Hannah, it’s going to be the blind leading the blind as far as knowing if di Silva is in the area.”
“I’m going to go talk with Tyler,” Avery said. “Drake, you stay here with Madeline.”

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