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Read Dark Heart Of Magic (2015)

Dark Heart of Magic (2015)

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Dark Heart Of Magic (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

We stayed with Vance until the rest of the Sinclairs showed up. Claudia, Angelo, Reginald, Mo, Oscar. They all came, along with several guards, and they all stared at Vance’s body, as shocked and horrified as the three of us.
I told Claudia and the others what I’d seen when I’d used my soulsight on Vance, and she and Mo put their heads together, wondering who might have done this. But I hadn’t seen the killer, only heard that sick, sick laughter. I hadn’t liked Vance, and he hadn’t liked me either, but Devon was right. Vance hadn’t deserved this—this level of heartless cruelty. And now, I couldn’t even tell Claudia who had murdered him.
I felt like a complete and utter failure.
I didn’t dare look at Vance again, not even for a second, so Devon put his arm around my shoulder and led me out of the woods, with Felix on my other side and Oscar fluttering around us. We got into one of the Sinclair SUVs, and Reginald drove us home.
Devon made sure that I got to my room okay, then handed me off to Oscar, who ordered me to take a hot shower, put on some pajamas, and get into bed.

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