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Read Dark Realm: Book 5 Circles Of Light Series

Dark Realm: Book 5 Circles of Light series

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Dark Realm: Book 5 Circles Of Light Series - Plot & Excerpts

Forward scouts were seeking the easiest route for both foot guards and the four hundred mounted guards with their hundred spare horses. He gave no thought to Captain Lessur or General Whilk. They were already dead, or would be very shortly.
The Imperatrix had given private audience to Middle Captain Strannik several times before the army departed Kelshan. He had been told, in strictest confidence, of the treachery of General Whilk and Captain Lessur, and of Veranta’s suspicions of six other officers. All of those officers had either trained directly under the General or had been attached to his personal staff at some time.
Veranta did not inform Strannik that Ternik, tutor to her daughters, was gifted with mage talents. Strannik had always been one of the most rabid opponents of any suggestions that those sort of people be allowed to develop their skills. Veranta hinted that she had sent spies into the Dark Realm. And thus had learned of the horrors which flourished where magic was allowed free rein.

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