Helen Carlisle and Lt. Raymond Novak have known each other since they were kids, but they never connected much before the war. Now, Helen is the war widow of a hero and Lt. Novak has been engaged to a few, but still never married. This ties with In Perfect Time as my favorite Sarah Sundin novel. Something about the third book in her series, I think. Helen's story is definitely not a light-hearted story at all. Some readers may not care for this one because it does deal with domestic abuse. Sundin is brutally honest about abuse and it's effects. She also brings to light how some viewed domestic abuse at the time as a husband's prerogative. And, as always, she brings God into the picture in a big way. This is a great read. Por incrível que pareça o livro que tem como personagem principal o único irmão Novak que quer ser pastor é o que insiste menos na relação com Deus. Mesmo que assim não fosse em nenhum dos livros anteriores me cansaram essas partes por isso não seria neste que isso iria mudar. A escrita desta autora envolve-me de tal maneira nas histórias das personagens que acabo por pensar um bocadinho como elas (embora haja alturas em que tomava acções completamente diferentes) e perceber o que sentem, o que vivem, o que temem.Vou estar à espera de outros livros da autora que consiga arranjar e os três desta trilogia estão na minha Wishlist para os guardar nas minhas prateleiras!
What do You think about Das Strahlen Des Himmels (2000)?
Fantastic story; a breath of fresh air! Ms. Sundin is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors.
good read, predictable especially after reading the first two, but entertaining. ww2 era.
A satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Excellent.