“I am too,” she answered, assuming she was talking to Devon. A whoosh of air passed by her and then Devon’s hand was on her shoulder, startling her. “You are too, what?” he asked. “Geez. You have been awful sneaky lately. I didn’t even see you come into the room,” she said. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you, but you were the one talking.” “No. I was just responding to you,” Darby said. “About what?” Devon asked. “You said you were hungry,” she said. “Uhhh. No. I didn’t. I mean I am, but I didn’t say anything,” Devon insisted. “You didn’t? But I heard you distinctly say, ‘I’m hungry’,” Darby argued. “Well, Sweetness, it wasn’t me,” Devon said. “Hmmm,” she said. “That’s odd. Were you thinking it and I heard it that way?” “I don’t think so. I was working on the computer back in the bedroom when I heard you say something. If I was thinking something, it would have been about wiring the house in Ireland and what I need to order for Sean and his brother to get started over there,”