Jes wouldn’t even be aware of the stone, or if he felt the vibrations the gem produced, wouldn’t be able to hone in on it without Coyote’s help and guidance, so the fact Jes was purposefully making him dawdle around waiting for him just pissed the Trickster God to no end. After an interminable amount of time and the utter loss of his patience, an old man dressed in traditional fringed buckskin hide beige leggings entered the foyer. The haggard man had leathery skin, weathered and worn from the harshness of his crimes encouraging the ill treatment of other humans as he walked the earth centuries ago. At a glance, Coyote knew the life history of the man. Raised in a time when the first Europeans began arriving at the shores of what they called the New World, the Native American male who now stood before Coyote planned the murders of those who ventured off the ships. The man knew the oddly dressed creatures coming off such a huge conveyance from the indigo seas would bring only chaos to his and his people’s way of life.