Time had melted away like an ice cube in the hot sun, and Vivien couldn't find a trace of it. She had huge holes in her day, chunks of time gone, missing. Hours that she knew had passed but that she couldn't remember. That terrified her.She stared out at the lights of the CN Tower, bright against the dark night sky, and shivered. It was late. Past midnight.Anxiety chewed at her. She couldn't remember what had happened in the past four or five hours. She'd lost those hours, and she had an ugly suspicion that she wouldn't like them if she found them.Dain had taken off right after lunch, had hightailed it out of the loft so fast she'd had no doubt he was running from her, from the hot and heavy come-on she was laying on him.Choices, choices.Sex with her, or escape.He'd picked escape.Which was nothing new in the life of Vivien Cairn. People tended to desert her. Her dad. Nana, who'd taken care of her when she was little and then just up and disappeared one day, never to be heard from again.