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Read Der Feuerkimono Sano Ichirōs Dreizehnter Fall (2010)

Der Feuerkimono Sano Ichirōs Dreizehnter Fall (2010)

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3404164571 (ISBN13: 9783404164578)
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Der Feuerkimono Sano Ichirōs Dreizehnter Fall (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

This is the 13th book in the Sano Ichiro series. A human skeleton is found when a tree near a Shinto shrine is knocked down. In the city troops attack Reiko, Sano's wife and they wore the crest of Lord Matsudaira which is Sano's greatest enemy. Lord Matsudaira's family compound is attacked with a bomb and they are blaming each other. They each deny the attacks. But who is responsible?The strife comes close to war. When swords found with the skeleton prove that it is a cousin of the Shogun, Sano is ordered to solve the mystery, even though it is 40 years old. Long buried secrets expos3e Sano's own mother as the prime suspect. Sano has just 3 days to clear her name or she will be executed and his family may also die. Politics, revenge, lost loves make for an engrossing read. Before I put my review in, I have a question, and someone might know the answer- that's what I'm hoping anyway. In a series, why do authors feel compelled to recap what happened in previous adventures? And if they do, why not put is as part of a prologue, so that an individual not familiar with the characters can get a quick update or not and let this novel stand on its own? I unfortunately skipped 2 books when I picked this up, and now don't really feel the need to go back and read them as I already know what happened. I mean if someone has anxiety about an issue just allude to the subject of why, but not spell it out - sure be overprotective of an arm or person (for example), but please don't tell me what happened! Okay, back to the review.Interesting to learn about Sano's past, though the Shogun's whims are becoming tiresome and his mother's (Sano's) reticence was irksome- I was with Reiko on that one. The 30 year (plus) mystery was fine and the tension with Lord Matsudaira and various others within and outside of his contingent - well, to be honest with you, it was starting to give me (the reader) anxiety. (Though of course, that could also be studying for my finals.)Simply put, this book had all that one should expect from a San Ichiro novel.

What do You think about Der Feuerkimono Sano Ichirōs Dreizehnter Fall (2010)?

Exciting. Enjoyable. A fast read. And I loved the characters and the mystery in 1700 Japan.

Once again, Reiko is always right.

Better than okay.

A fun read!


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