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Read Desire Unleashed

Desire Unleashed

Online Book

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Ellora's Cave

Desire Unleashed - Plot & Excerpts

Was that a knock on her front door? It was still too early for Ethan to be here. He’d had to work late on a new job today, but she’d given him a key anyway.
As she ran a brush through her hair, she heard a definite, loud banging. Frowning, she hurried toward the front door. When she neared it, she froze. The scent of the male outside was unmistakable.
Francisco. Her ex.
Years ago she would have done anything to see his handsome face one more time. Now she felt… annoyance. What the hell could he possibly be doing here? Frowning, she pulled the tie on her silky robe tighter around herself.
“Caro? Are you home?” Same deep voice.
Yep. Definitely him. Why hadn’t he called first?
Sighing, she opened the door. “Hello, Francisco?” It came out like a question because she couldn’t help it.
“Caro. You look beautiful.” He smiled warmly and made a move to embrace her but she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back.
He looked exactly the same. Maybe a few years older but he’d aged very well.

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