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Read Diggers: The Sharp Edge Of The Universe

Diggers: The Sharp Edge of the Universe

Online Book

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Diggers: The Sharp Edge Of The Universe - Plot & Excerpts

Chapter 17: Microscopic Problem   Finn laughed until his sides threatened to burst open. Mikayla and Reggie sat at an odd angle across from each other in the back of the DUMP and stared at the floor. Every once in a while one of them threw Finn the crustiest glare they could muster, but it only succeeded in sending Finn into another fit of giggles. He laughed until drool seeped out of his mouth. He laughed when Mikayla tried to flip her hair and pieces of Reggie’s lunch fell to the floor.
    After a while, Reggie and Mikayla couldn’t help themselves, and they started laughing too. They laughed at the DUMP still wedged into…whatever…at an uncomfortable slant. They laughed at the dried vomit on Mikayla’s red uniform, and at Reggie’s random motion sickness. They talked about Belch and they giggled about his armpits that smelled like old hamburgers and how his nickname was perfect in so many ways.
    “Feels…good…to…laugh.” Mikayla wiped away tears.

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