Once inside, he stared at the chunk of bark on the ground, but decided to leave it where it was until his return trip. He’d make sure that happened as soon as possible. He hadn’t done all the things he’d planned to do, like rigging up some other advance warning system that only he could hear inside his hideout. And maybe even making an emerg-ency exit.A gentle breeze blew across the hills as Daniel headed for home. He’d be on schedule to do chores, if the position of the afternoon sun was any indication. The days were longer now, and sometimes he had trouble figuring out the time. He took a deep breath and then whistled for Dactyl, who was nowhere in sight. As he swooped down to pluck a blade of grass, he thought he saw his dog way up ahead.Daniel chewed on the grass blade as he thought about his morning adventures. Obviously, hitting his head both times had something to do with his shifting backwards and forwards in time. Surely there was an easier way to do it – not that he wanted to do go to the Cretaceous Period again!