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Read Dire Distraction (2013)

Dire Distraction (2013)

Online Book

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Grand Central Publishing

Dire Distraction (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

She’d forgotten how nice civilization could be. The first pale rays of early morning sunlight were slanting through the window. Avery’s arm was wrapped around her waist, one leg thrown across her body, possessive even in slumber. With any other man, she would have felt trapped. A captive.
    But with Avery it was different. The thought thrilled and frightened her all at the same time. They’d not talked about the future. By definition, their lives as operatives were lived day to day. But suddenly she found herself wondering what it would be like to have more. To give herself to someone completely. Always and forever.The idea had always seemed so foreign. Like a lovely cloud completely out of reach. But now—Avery stirred, pulling her closer, his breath warm against her neck, and Sydney smiled—now the world seemed full of possibility.She thought of her mother and father, seeing for once not the subjugation she’d always believed her mother endured but the choices she’d made.

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