She was perched on the other bed glaring at me, and she looked a little confused and a lot mad. So pretty much typical Reese. “Ryan called. He wants breakfast.” “Okay.” I rubbed my face and stared at the clock. Blurry. I gave my eyes another rub. Less blurry. “What time is it?” “One.” “Where are we getting breakfast?” “Some place he heard was good. He said he’ll meet us in the lobby.” “Cool.” I rolled to the edge of the bed and managed to sit up. “I got to shower.” “Whatever. I’m going downstairs.” “Fine.” I didn’t have the patience or inclination to argue with her. Twenty minutes later, I stumbled out of the elevator into the lobby. Ryan jumped up and bounded over to me. He looked happy. At least someone was. “Morning,” I grumbled. “Hi.” He threw an arm around my shoulders and dragged me toward Reese. “You guys ready for breakfast?” “Sure,” I said. “Whatever.” Oh, good. Reese was still in her little mood. We took off down the street.