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Read Distortion Offensive

Distortion Offensive

Online Book

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Gold Eagle

Distortion Offensive - Plot & Excerpts

Kane snapped out in a harsh whisper, taking another step into the vast hall with Brigid just a pace behind him.
But before Kane and Brigid could venture farther into the busy church hall, several more people stepped from the ranks of the queuing locals and brought arms out from the hiding places within their dirty-looking clothes. People screamed and shouted, and everyone in the room dropped to the floor in unison as if struck by a massive weight. Kane stepped backward as he dropped, disguising himself within the shadows of the door. When he looked around he saw that Brigid Baptiste was just across from him, similarly lurking in the thick shadows cast by the porch of the antechamber, her body taut like a coiled spring.
“Hand over everything you’ve got left,” the leader shouted as he waved his snub-nosed .38 at Grant’s face, “or you’re going to be breathing out of a third nostril.”
“Oh, no, son,” Grant growled, “you don’t want to be pulling this shit with me.”
Grant was a huge man, with broad shoulders and dark skin.

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