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Read District: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse

District: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Online Book

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Morbid Press LLC

District: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse - Plot & Excerpts

He swung his M4 behind his back, leaned over Cross’s shoulder and looked at the crystal-clear image splashed on the door probe’s color display. Straight away he learned that Nash had been right about the power being on in the areas that mattered. That he was looking at a full color image of an illuminated stairway meant he owed an apology for doubting her on the matter.
Cross maneuvered the probe, training the lens on the stairwell wall where shadows, long and lean, seemed to be performing an eerie dance. “We’re going to have company right away,” he said.
“How many?” Cade asked.
“Looks like more than one,” Cross offered, twisting the stalk to the right.
“Stop,” Cade said. “What’s that? Can you hold it steady?
Zoom in, maybe?”
Cross said nothing. He manipulated the controls and the blurry object behind the door suddenly became an overturned chair. It was a metal item from the looks of it and had come to rest lengthwise to the flight of stairs leading up, its four legs pointed directly at the camera lens.

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