Noon. Violent rain. Mrs Peel and Megan are stacking and checking crates of vegetables. Burns enters jauntily, carrying a rifle and wet from rain. Burns I just hung you up a fine young hind. Mrs Peel That don’t mean pig pee to me right now Burns. Burns puts the rifle down, notices the crates. Mrs Peel Barn roof fixin’ up s’what I need. Burns It comin’ in bad? Mrs Peel I’ve stopped counting how much I’ve lost to fungus. Burns Nothin’ I can do about it in this rain. Mrs Peel He’s got me by the balls this time. Burns Soon as it stops I’ll get up there, see to it. Mrs Peel Should a’ been seen to before now. Burns I done some a’ it. Mrs Peel That been six week ago. Burns Few days work and it’ll be finished. Never seen so many hares about. Must a’ been a spike in ‘em, bought back two a’ them as well. Almost missed the hind, was takin’ a piss when I seen it and just as I’m at the trigger somethin’ must a’ spooked it cause it bolted. Mrs Peel (Lowers her gaze.) Dint finish that job neither.