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Read Dragon City

Dragon City

Online Book

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Dragon City - Plot & Excerpts

That’s what Domi was watching through the ice-cool plate, she realized, as she watched the thing that had been Kishiro vibrate and shift within Enlil’s alien apparatus. Kishiro wasn’t simply rocking; he was actually shifting dimensionally, his constitution changing to accommodate the download of an Annunaki genetic template. What started as a man, an ordinary human being, was purposefully evolved through all the stages that had led to the Annunaki rebirth, his muscular form becoming the familiar frail, birdlike shape of the hybrids before taking on a greater shape and size, great flaps of skin sluicing away to reveal the armorlike musculature that was forming from within. Enlil watched the process proceed, betraying no emotion other than the faintest hint of a smile on his reptilian face. “Stop it, you monster,” Domi demanded, banging her fists against the glass. “Stop it. You’re killing him.” Enlil looked at her dispassionately for a moment. “Your whole race should have died out years ago,”

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