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Read Dragon Rose (2012)

Dragon Rose (2012)

Online Book

3.8 of 5 Votes: 2
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0615718523 (ISBN13: 9780615718521)
Dark Valentine Press

Dragon Rose (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favorite fairy tales so I was intrigued by this book. I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could. I was fascinated by the Dragon and did wish at one point too be able to get his perspective. That and how the ending wrapped up very quickly into a neat and too tidy little bow are the main reasons it didn't get the full five stars. I enjoyed it enough though to give some of the other latter kingdom books a try. I did enjoy this retelling of Beauty and the Beast but I really only want to give it 3 1/2 stars because I could have LOVED it. I thoroughly enjoyed that it was a "clean" romance but somehow I just felt that it could easily have delivered a more convincing pull into their relationship but fell short. Part of this is because it was never absolutely portrayed that "he" loved "her" as much as she loved him. However, there was lots of potential in this retelling...I almost wish there would be a re-release with a bit more emotional pull.

What do You think about Dragon Rose (2012)?

This was an amazing story! I enjoyed the first book of the series but this was so much better!

A great story with a mystery that actually keeps you hooked from beginning to end.

A different take on "Beauty and the Beast" that I thoroughly enjoyed. :)


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