Braeden pulled her closer against him as if holding her would keep her safe.He broke their kiss and stared down at her. A trace of tears shimmered in her eyes and he cursed himself for being such a fool.Slowly he released her. And even more slowly she backed away. Her hesitancy showed that her body wasn’t as averse to his touch as her words claimed.Alexia turned toward the door. “There’s work to do.”A slight tremor was still evident in her voice. Braeden narrowed his eyes. There were too many things left unsaid. Not just about their past or present. He was positive Alexia still withheld information he needed to know.If he waited for her to tell him about her dissertations on the manual and her involvement with Nathan, they could all be dead. But Braeden also knew that if he approached those topics head-on, she would clam up.There were other methods. Some mortal. Some not.He waited until she was a few feet away before saying, “The good news is you’re right. We do have work to do.”Without turning around, she stopped and asked, “And the bad news?”“We need to solve us, Alexia.