Geoffrey handed me my phone without saying anything, but when I checked the call history the only activity was an inbound call from Rachel. I stacked most of the supplies in the back seat next to Ben and then put the rest of everything in the trunk and climbed back into the car. Just before I turned the key in the ignition I got a text from Rachel's number. Find out what just happened with Geoffrey! I looked over at Geoffrey and he met my eyes with a stubbornness that dared me to ask him what had happened, but I decided that I didn't want to get into a pissing match with him inside such a tiny space while I was trying to drive. I promised myself that I would try and get it out of him later, but by the time we made it up to a small town in Minnesota called Marshall I was too tired to play conversational chicken with him. Paying for two hotel rooms used up the very last of my cash, but I wasn't going to spend the night in the same room as Geoffrey, not if I could avoid it. I told myself that I would deal with my lack of funds later, but I knew that was just a lie.