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Read Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest For Bodily Perfection (2012)

Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest for Bodily Perfection (2012)

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141659907X (ISBN13: 9781416599074)
Simon & Schuster

Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest For Bodily Perfection (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Great ,funny read. It's about a man's quest to be the healthiest person alive ,A.J.Jacobs started his project health to reach his goal as being the healthiest man alive ,the ironic part that he found out that he is so far from perfect but tried many diets ,exercises and products till he was more healthier than before ,sometimes he takes things to the extreme ,trying to find a balance.i liked the idea of taking care of your body for the sake of your future self .Luved the idea of chewdism as well ,which is trying to chew more which in turn will help you eat less. every chapter in this book covers a part of the human body while focusing on the main goal of being overall healthy .very informative and interesting book ,enjoyed reading it Alot Quotes from the book :“I spent most of my time thinking about the cynical but compelling Jim Fixx argument. No matter what you do, no matter how often you exercise, or eat organic cauliflower, or wear helmets, you still could die tomorrow. Or today. Or right after you read this sentence. So why bother?”Excerpt From: A. J. Jacobs. “Drop Dead Healthy.”“I’ll follow fitness expert Oscar Wilde’s advice: Be moderate in all things, including moderation.”Excerpt From: A. J. Jacobs. “Drop Dead Healthy.” Drop Dead Healthy by A.J. Jacobs is a funny and informative book that will delight the health-nuts while providing very useful knowledge to the less healthy-inclined. In this book, readers will join A.J. Jacobs on his quest to be the healthiest guy on earth. Each chapter of the book focuses on a specific organ or parts of the body with A.J. Jacobs describing his findings and forays into the extreme version of "healthy". Along the way, reader will hear about his grandfather and his eccentric aunt Marti. I like this book because it is written warmly, with wit, and tons of humility. While A.J. Jacobs acknowledged of his self-righteous feelings as he gets healthier, he is also very forthright with the fact that the science and data concerning health has been everything but clear. As readers who have been trying their best to live healthily will know, it can be a very confusing and difficult journey to be healthy due to all the contradicting statements by "experts" out there; is fat really bad for you? What about carbs? Raw food? Supplements can lead to cancer? I think readers will enjoy this book because they can feel the struggle of A.J. Jacobs to stay healthy and stick to his routine of being healthy while at the same time, enjoy a laugh or two (which can be a health booster!). Highly recommended.

What do You think about Drop Dead Healthy: One Man's Humble Quest For Bodily Perfection (2012)?

This book made me really think about my health and also make me want to become a healthier person.

Funny stuff and interseting!

The shtick has gotten old.

Boring boring boring

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