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Read Earth (The Audiobook): A Visitor's Guide To The Human Race (2011)

Earth (The Audiobook):  A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race (2011)

Online Book

3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
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1607886154 (ISBN13: 9781607886150)
Hachette Audio

Earth (The Audiobook): A Visitor's Guide To The Human Race (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Yay, fun! I must be a complete sucker for pretty pictures with captions, because that's exactly what appealed to me here. I also read this cover to cover like a crazy person (or visiting alien). Like all humor, some of it falls flat, and there are too many penis jokes (but hey, penis jokes!). However, there are more than enough truly funny captions, descriptions to keep you fully engaged. Best results if you imagine the whole thing in Jon Stewart's voice, which I did. I was also coming off a reading wasteland, which always makes me review something good better than it is. 5 stars. The audio book version I listened to was read by Jon Stewart and many of the cast from "The Daily Show" with the narrator Sigourney Weaver. It was enjoyable, sort of in the frame work of a "Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy" for the new century. The format is a set of recording for some wondering space alien to find in a future where we have somehow annihilated our race. It is, as expected, FULL of political humor, the bent of which no one who is a fan of Stewart's will find unexpected. There are some real humorous moments, but I was let down for the most part. Still it's a good summer read/listen and I think others will find it light fare for some travel reading in the future.

What do You think about Earth (The Audiobook): A Visitor's Guide To The Human Race (2011)?

Funny, but nothing groundbreaking.

Had its moments, but overall meh.

Great ear read

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