Teresa Medeiros me fez dar muitas risadas com os protagonistas desse livro. Eles se conheciam desde crianças e viviam sempre brigando. Mas quando ela tinha 19 anos, eles descobriram que se amavam. Mas Ash achava que tinha que oferecer algo melhor para ela e partiu em busca de fortuna. Dez anos depois eles se reencontram novamente, com um mundo de abismo entre eles, pois ela detesta e não o perdoou por tê-la abandonado. E agora ela está noiva do irmão mais velho dele e ele terá que resgatá-la de um harém.Teresa Medeiros nos proporciona uma agradável leitura, com personagens secundários excelentes - Farouk e Poppy, Luca e Yasmim,tornam esta trama mais ainda encantadora. Cenas "calientes" ótimas. 4 estrelas porque adoro um epílogo e achei que este merecia... Someone chose this book for me to read, and I am so happy they did!! This is the first book I have read by this author a well. One thing I loved from the get go was the the heroine was not a virgin. I tend to like those romances better because they don't beat around the bush.I've never read a romance that was based in India as well as a heroine that was enslaved in a Harem!! This made me enjoy the book even more. I loved the past history between the two characters as well. They were child hood sweethearts I guess you could say.I can't wait to read the next!!
Well done, but too lightweight, untethered from reality without being witty/funny, to appeal to me
This book was wonderful! It had me laughing out loud and even a little teary eyed at some points!
good read if you enjoy a lust romance. characters are well written.
Teresa nunca me decepciona