I know this is an unconventional way to contact you, but I'm afraid I don't have your most recent phone number. It's of an utmost urgent manner that I talk to you. Sincerely, Arden Vervain — Arden, I must say I was surprised to hear from you. Especially since the last time you and I spoke, you called me a talentless old fool. But I am willing to let bygones be bygones and do humbly ask what it is you wish to talk to me about. I always enjoy having you indebted to me. Richly, Edmund Blackwood — Edmund, I have always been a child with a wild tongue as well as a wild heart. I miss our days together in Paris. And you must forgive my temper. What I have to ask of you may seem odd, on the surface. But the deeper meaning will become clear. I have entered into a contract I find myself unable to find a loophole out of. My part of this contract has now come due and though I am willing to fulfill it, I am at a loss as to how.