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Read Endgame (Last Chance Series)

Endgame (Last Chance Series)

Online Book

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Pocito Press

Endgame (Last Chance Series) - Plot & Excerpts

She had no idea what had gone down between Gabriel and her godfather in Iraq, but it was pretty clear from the posturing in Cullen's office that there was a certain amount of animosity still present.
    She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Maybe it was nothing more than the fact that neither Cullen nor Gabriel was the kind of man to take orders easily from another. And the truth of the matter was that she had enough to deal with without trying to understand the dynamics between the two of them.
    Point in case: W. Smith.
    Harrison had moved to his computer, as usual preferring the anonymity of his kiosk to center stage. Low-profile, old-fashioned and charming, Harrison was the kind of man who opened doors for women, and really listened when they talked. He had that sunny grin and Southern charisma that made him irresistible to the opposite sex. Which was only heightened by the fact that he was totally oblivious to his effect on women.

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