‘Why do you have to bring so much work home?’ he asked. ‘Because I don’t have enough time to do it during the day.’ ‘Hopefully you won’t be as busy when Robert gets here.’ ‘Hopefully.’ ‘It’s very strange, though. It doesn’t make sense for a VP to leave his post for six months.’ ‘It does seem a little unorthodox,’ Claire answered absently. ‘There must be something else on his agenda.’ Claire was only half-listening. She was looking forward to the upgrade project which would enable bank transfers rather than cheques to be the main method of payment. The current systems were archaic. ‘Maybe he wants to do a restructure of the senior management team.’ Claire looked up with a frown. ‘I don’t understand why you care so much about Robert’s reasons.’ ‘And I don’t understand why you don’t seem to care at all,’ he countered. ‘I simply want someone in that finance director’s role so that I can get my life back,’ she answered, flicking through the supporting paperwork before signing a cheque.