After taking the kids outside, Peggy had stepped in for Krista’s afternoon break. She’d needed the time. How she’d needed it. The morning preschool class had been a handful and the afternoon group was unruly, too. They were most likely picking up on her stress, and she had to do a better job of controlling it. On the playground, she was surprised to find the staff lining the children up at the door. The schedule called for another fifteen minutes of outdoor time, and she needed them to burn off energy. Concern mounting, Krista immediately took a head count to make sure they were all present, then approached Peggy. Peggy peered through thick glasses. “I’m glad you’re back.” “Is everything okay?” Peggy lowered her voice. “Cash saw a man pull up and watch the playground. He said it was probably nothing, but suggested we take the children inside.” She gestured at the chain-link fence facing the road.