“Oh that’s right.” Carlos leaned forward on the table, nearly spilling his iced tea. “He was gonna get her pregnant so he could eat her baby’s liver.” “Eww!” “Carlos, Please!” I elbowed him in the side, but still he wouldn’t shut up. “He tied up in the basement of the research center, but she kept coming to Tony as a spirit form.” “She wasn’t a spirit,” I said. “Spirits are dead people. Leona came to me while bilocating. She wanted to tell me something.” Spinelli’s eyes filled with wonder. “Tell you what?” “It doesn’t matter. What matters is what do we do now?” Carlos eased back in his seat, shaking his head. “We do nothing. Leona didn’t kill those women.” “You’re probably right,” I told him, “but we still need to make sure. I’m going to go and see her right after lunch. In the meantime, I want you to check out Piakowski’s story about where he’s been staying. Interview Rivera. See if their stories jive.” “Gottcha.”