A commoner strode by carrying a clucking chicken, imported from the Lands of Light, in a box. A merchant had probably promised the fellow the fowl would lafor years to com y e, though in reality, such birds rarely thrived in the Underdark. A portrait painter rendered his subject, the enchantments in the brush enabling himto fill the canvas with astonishing speed. An armorer drove a rapier through a bound, gagged kobold to demonstrate the sharpness of the point.Cowl up, mantle drawn close around him, and Splitter hidden by the charm ofconcealment Pharaun had cast on it, Ryld loitered across the way in a tent withthe sides folded up. There, games of all sorts were on display. The hulkinswordsm gan stood pondering a sava board, where he'd set up a problem with the onyx and carnelian pieces.north.