This thought slowed him down somewhat; making him more careful than he originally had planned and apparently slower than Stephanie had wanted him to be. "What do you see?" she called impatiently, wondering how it might be that the kids had been able to see whatever it was from where they stood, yet Jason had to move aside tall grass to try to find it. Then she realized from the children's low vantage point they were likely to be able to see beneath the same clumps of tall grass, which blocked Jason's view and forced him to move them aside. "Just give me a second!" Jason said with apparent growing frustration. He knew he was being overly cautious and perhaps a bit short with Stephanie, but he couldn't get the mental picture of the salivating rabid creature from his mind. Much to his relief, what he found was not some wild infected beast of the forest, but was instead the skeletal remains of what was once a deer, perhaps only a young fawn.