скандинавський детективний трилер, «бєсмислєнний і бєспащадний»: регіон з найнижчим, мабуть, у світі рівнем злочинності, а надто тяжких злочинив з убивствами, генерує криваві психопатичні сюжети, малоцікаві з точки зору художньої цінності, і сам же їх залюбки споживає =/ мабуть, тут є робота для психологів.при цьому закінчення, на диво, досить рівне і цікаве: трохи екшну і мелодраматична нотка. тож в цілому, мабуть, було би чтиво на четвірочку, якби не огидні враження від асоціації з тим шаблоном «скандинавського детективного трилера». First, was not well written. For example, "The homicide chief threw his pen down hard on his desk. He was positively furious. "You're suspended from this moment forward."First sentence shows he's angry. Second sentence says he's angry. Third sentence shows he's angry.I wonder if he's angry. Much of the writing is like this: Showing and telling and showing just in case I was too stupid to get it.Second, the plot was silly. A bunch of rich society men, all boarding school classmates, running around beating up people for the fun of it, behaving like thugs, re-enacting A Clockwork Orange. And you know who they are almost from the get go, and you know that they will be caught, and you know that the protagonists will win. No mystery, very little suspense.There were also huge and boring chunks of backstory attempting to motivate the silly actions. Elmore Leonard's advice came to mind more than once: Leave out the parts readers skip.A waste of time unless you are reading to understand what kinds of things make for a very mediocre novel.
What do You think about Fasandræberne (2008)?
Compares unfavorably to the first, which has a different translator. Ugh.
I found the plot overly complicated. However it had a very strong finish.
Better than the first one, but need more Assad. He's my favorite.
Interesting plot - enjoyed the story and the writing was fine.
Great read-alike for the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo series