The cab driver winked suggestively at her as he said, “Have a nice night, folks.” She tried not to groan as she slid across the seat to exit the cab, yet a small whimper hitched from her throat. Reece took her hand to help her out, and he didn't smirk as much as she thought he would. His gaze was soft and he looked at her with such warmth that it made her flush. His hand was a light caress on her back as they headed into the restaurant. Reece gave their name to the maitre d' who announced that their party was already seated. She'd known they were late. In the back of her mind, a small, irrational hope had blossomed. The hope was that her and Reece could get to the restaurant first, so she could sit without wincing in front of Danica. The woman had the eyes of a hawk. That hope was dashed with the maitre d's announcement. Reece squeezed her against the side of his body leaned down to whisper out of earshot, “Don't even think of going into the bathroom and removing either the plug or the egg.