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Read Final Kingdom

Final Kingdom

Online Book

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Moody Publishers

Final Kingdom - Plot & Excerpts

They were much farther from the city of Celethorn than they had thought. Glori determined this the next day after going on a scouting expedition. She came back with a worried expression on her face. “I was wrong. It is the ridge beyond the one you see where the Land of the Magicians lies.”
Abbey was sitting beside Dave, who was lying flat on his back. He was still pale, and he had not recovered from the effect of the poison dart as fully as she had hoped. “Dave can’t travel,” Abbey said quietly. “He’ll have to be a lot better than this before he can walk.”
“We can’t stay here,” Glori said. She knelt beside him, putting a hand on his forehead. “I can see he’s very ill. Why don’t I go on ahead to Celethorn? I can make fast time, and when I get there I can return with a horse and wagon. The magicians can help him, I’m sure of that.”
The Sleepers looked at each other.
Abbey said uncertainly, “That may be best. I don’t think he’ll be able to move for a few days.”

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