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Read Flirting With Fire (Hot In Chicago #1)

Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago #1)

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Pocket Books

Flirting With Fire (Hot In Chicago #1) - Plot & Excerpts

It might only be an hour past the official end of his shift, but it was close to zero hour for the working stiffs on the nine-to-five, and he was sardine-canning it with everyone on their way into the office.
    It had taken him forever to leave the firehouse, between ensuring that the handoff to the next shift went smoothly and completing the briefing reports he had to fill out because he’d taken over for Big Mac, who was on vacation. Usually a relief lieutenant stood in, but Luke had pulled rank—what little he had—and persuaded the cap that he could handle it in McElroy’s absence. This wasn’t the time for strangers to take up residence. With the shit soup Engine 6 was wading in, the company needed to see the next few weeks through as a cohesive unit.
    It was Luke’s job to make sure that happened, especially as his meltdown had put them dangling on the precipice.
    The Dempsey dynamic was the perfect microcosm of Engine 6 at the moment—a crap load of tension, everyone sniping, and no one getting along.

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