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Read Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Collection)

Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Collection)

Online Book

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Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Collection) - Plot & Excerpts

Right?“Wrong Place, Right Guy”By Lisa ScottI was on my way to a bar decorated with bras—wondering if I’d be required to donate mine—when I spotted a cute guy walking toward me. With his sandy brown hair and bright polo shirt, I thought he was potential date material—until he pulled a knife on me.“Keep quiet, darlin’, and we’ll be fine.” He turned the silver switchblade round and round in his hand as we stood in the empty parking lot.My heart clobbered my chest and I threw my purse in front of me. “Take it. It’s a Coach. It’s real.” Backing away from him, I clutched the big wallpaper sample book I was returning to the store before hitting the bar. My muscles twitched as if itching to attack. But I was frozen.He stepped over the purse toward me. “I was interested in the purse until I got a closer look at you.” The smell of rank, stale beer hit me. “Guess it’s my lucky day.”The knife was inches from my throat. I tried to swallow but my mouth was parched.

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