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Scott, Lisa books

Scott, Lisa
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Read Books by Scott, Lisa


Man of the Month (Willowdale Romance Novel)

“My first date is Friday? This Friday?” She grasped the table to catch her balance. Brad folded his arms and gave her a smile she wanted to smack right off his face. “It came to me first thing when I woke up this morning. The guy who rents from my brother in Whitesville would be perfect for you. ...

Man of the Month (Willowdale Romance Novel) by Scott, Lisa

Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Collection)

Right?“Wrong Place, Right Guy”By Lisa ScottI was on my way to a bar decorated with bras—wondering if I’d be required to donate mine—when I spotted a cute guy walking toward me. With his sandy brown hair and bright polo shirt, I thought he was potential date material—until he pulled a knife on me....

Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Collection) by Scott, Lisa

15 Shades Of Pink

“We just crashed a wedding on the beach!” Micki held up a bouquet of blue flowers.“Looks like you’ll be next,” I teased.“The only relationship I’m interested in is a fleeting one—with fries and a hot dog.” Micki tossed the bouquet to Cassidy and ran off toward the concession stand. Cassidy chucke...

15 Shades Of Pink by Scott, Lisa

More Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Short Stories Collections)

5 Romantic Short Stories   The Girl In The Pink HatBy Lisa Scott  Zoe sighed as she read the precious handwriting on the crumpled sheet of paper again. Like she hadn’t already memorized it. “Learn to play the accordion,” she said with a groan. That was a tough one. But, she wasn’t going to argue ...

More Flirts! 5 Romantic Short Stories (The Flirts! Short Stories Collections) by Scott, Lisa

No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel)

Mitch asked the doctor while squeezing Dina’s hand. “Just Braxton-Hicks contractions. Nothing serious, but we don’t want it to progress to anything worse. She shouldn’t be on her feet too much.” The doctor looked directly at Dina. “You’re going to have to give up that waitressing job of yours.” S...

No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel) by Scott, Lisa

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