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Read For Love Or Magic

For Love or Magic

Online Book

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St. Martin's Press

For Love Or Magic - Plot & Excerpts

When I did, I shot up, horrified to realize that I had drooled a bit on my hand … and on Desmond’s pillow. Oh, god. I hopped out of the bed and quickly flipped the pillow over and pulled the covers back up before I padded down the steps. When I got to the living room, I saw that Seamus was still sleeping on the love seat but the door that led to the secret lab downstairs was closed. I was trying to decide if Desmond had known I’d fallen asleep in his bed when the front door opened and he stepped in, mildly damp from the rain outside.
“I didn’t fall asleep in your bed and drool on your pillow,” I said as he shut the door behind him. He was carrying what looked like a bag of takeout in one hand, and my small purple suitcase in the other.
“What a suspiciously specific denial,” he said. “I hope you rested well.”
“I did. Thanks.”
He set my suitcase on the floor by the door. “I took the liberty of fetching some of your things while I was at your house. By the way, Liv wanted me to extend her thanks to you for giving them your house for the night.

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