Forgive & Forget (Love In The Fleet) - Plot & Excerpts
“I was just trying to get in your pants—or get you out of them. You know how we cowboys are.” Hallie laughed. Philip continued. “And since I did get you out of them, how about we take this new relationship for another ride. You don’t need a condom for everything. Unless you happen to have a back-up in that purse of yours.” “Well, actually…” She paused so long, he looked up at her. “I thought about throwing in another one.” He continued to look at her hopefully as the faintest trace of humor lit her eyes, “But I didn’t have time to open a new package and get one.” Damn. She reached for her beach bag and flashed him a sexy, wicked smile. “So I just threw in the whole box.” God, he loved this woman. “Philip, it’s getting late.”
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