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Read Four Weddings And A Fiasco: The Wedding Caper

Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Caper

Online Book

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Kindle Worlds

Four Weddings And A Fiasco: The Wedding Caper - Plot & Excerpts

opened the bedroom door in response to a knock.
    “Morning,” Eric said. “Ella called. She’s done editing.”
    “She must have been up most of the night.”
    They hadn’t left the Rose Chalet until the early morning hours.
    After the last picture was taken, Ella had left to start editing. The rest of them stayed to clean up and consume more of the feast Julie and Andrew had prepared.
    It had been fun. Relaxed.
    K.D. had never had more than a few friends over the years. Her closest friend from college had died unexpectedly two years ago of an undiagnosed heart ailment. With work and her irregular schedule, there wasn’t much opportunity to build new friendships. She was cordial with most of the guys at work, but not friends. They had their own lives . . . and wives.
    After last night, she felt the lack more.
    “Probably was up all night,”

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