“I’m glad you’re here,” Healy said. “I got something to tell you.” “I doubt it’s as big as what I’ve got to tell you.” “Nothing like a pissing contest first thing in the morning to get your blood going, huh?” “Fine,” Joe said, reaching into his pocket. “Heads or tails?” “Tails.” “I knew you were gonna pick tails. You’ve gotta be contrary.” “Flip it and shut up.” Serpe flicked his thumb and the quarter jumped. Healy swiped it out of the air with his right hand, smacked the coin down on the back of his left hand, and lifted his right palm. “Tails, it is,” he said, showing it to Serpe. “But I’m feeling generous today, so you go ahead.” “Okay. Don’t use truck number four for any reason at all for the next few days.” “That’s your big news, huh, that number four is out of service?” “No. The reason it’s out of service is the big news.” “And that reason would be.” “There’s a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in the tank.”