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Read Series: Bromeliad Trilogy

by Author Terry Pratchett


Diggers (1991)

*Aproape că am avut un atac de panică - am crezut că nu am luat și volumul III cu mine*Cartea asta, spre mică diferență de prima, e într-adevăr perfectă. Să povestesc.Deci nomii s-au stabilit în Cariera asta de piatră doar că prin hotărârea Consiliului Local, oamenii se întorc acolo. Deci nomii t...

Diggers (1991) by Terry Pratchett

Truckers: The First Book of the Nomes (2015)

This was one of the funniest books I've read lately. The nomes are so funny as they learn and interact with human world. Indeed it is children literature, but of great quality and one type of story that adults can enjoy as well.The premise in children literature is usually formed of the ethical c...

Truckers: The First Book of the Nomes (2015) by Terry Pratchett