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Read Diggers (1991)

Diggers (1991)

Online Book

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0552525863 (ISBN13: 9780552525862)
corgi childrens

Diggers (1991) - Plot & Excerpts

*Aproape că am avut un atac de panică - am crezut că nu am luat și volumul III cu mine*Cartea asta, spre mică diferență de prima, e într-adevăr perfectă. Să povestesc.Deci nomii s-au stabilit în Cariera asta de piatră doar că prin hotărârea Consiliului Local, oamenii se întorc acolo. Deci nomii trebuie să plece. Dar unde? Ideea ar fi în hambar dar Feștilă cel religios nu e de acord. Feștilă moare călcat de camion, cel mai probabil. Piuliță și alți nomi se urcă într-un camion care sfârșește într-un tren. Dar nomii sunt okay. Apoi nomii capturează un om. Masklin, Strajă și Titirez au plecat în Florida. Botoasa rămâne la conducere într-un fel sau altul și ea decide ca nomii să le țină piept oamenilor. Și reușesc la propriu. Le țin excavator oamenilor. Jekub. Ei încearcă să ajungă la hambar cu un excavator pe care Piuliță l-a făcut să meargă... dar atunci se întâmplă. Apare nava. Și Botoasa știe că e Masklin. Dar în care nu ni se spune cum a făcut Masklin asta. Asta va fi abia în al treilea volum, hooray! mor de curiozitate. Ador trilogia asta. Din mii de motive. Dar e așa de ușor de citit, oricând... așa de inteligentă și drăguță și amuzantă. Dacă mă gândesc bine, în cartea asta nu s-au întâmplat așa de multe acțiuni... doar gândire. Orice gând al nomilor e interesant. Terry e cel mai bun păpușar ever!

A good, fun follow-up to TRUCKERS. Essentially, this trilogy is the Terry Pratchett version of THE BORROWERS, told in his own inimitable style (and, of course, with plenty of humour along the way).I'm not the ideal target market for this book - unlike the Discworld novels, it's clearly aimed at younger readers - but nevertheless it's a quirky and exceptionally fast-paced read. I had it polished off after only a couple of sessions.The story picks directly up from DIGGERS and, as far as I can tell, the events of this sequel occur concurrently with the events from the third book in the trilogy, WINGS. Pratchett achieves this by splitting up his protagonists, sending half one way and the other half another.Lots of winks and nods and wordplay, just as you'd expect from the author. The reference to GULLIVER'S TRAVELS with the security guard is well achieved, and the bits involving vehicles are thrilling. A great climax, too, which takes the story to another level.

What do You think about Diggers (1991)?

More enjoyable Pratchett mayhem!Like Truckers, except that this time the nomes need to leave the quarry where they found safety at the end of the last book.Masklin heads off to investigate a barn, which leaves Grimma and mechanical know-it-all Dorcas in charge. They must contend with unrest, because Nisodemus is prophesying doom at every opportunity.As the humans become more and more determined to re-open the quarry, it's down to Dorcas and his new discovery Jekub (a truck with teeth!) to save t
—Wallowing Hippo

The in-between bookNow that Masklin and Torrit have left to explore the place where those big metal things take off into the air, Grimma has to fend for herself. That is, she has to take care of the nomes that have taken shelter at the quarry. But they are not alone. A very insistent human being is trying to invade their place. Grimma has to be creative to keep that pesky big annoyances away, but is afraid that they ultimately will have to flee to The Cottage. Luckily Dorcas, the techno geek of the nomes, has a secret weapon at hand: Big John.Diggers is the second part of the Bromeliad trilogy, an adventurous fable about gnomes that want to return to their original homestead, intended for a younger audience. But the weak point of many trilogies also applies here: the second episode is a bit lost in between. The setting has been neatly composed in the first book and the finale has to wait until the next book. So, narratively it isn�t a great novel, but it still is a good read. It�s always nice to look at our world from the perspective of a little gnome. The best part is that it nicely introduces the final volume Wings, which as I type this is lying next to me. I can�t wait to start reading.
—Geert Daelemans

Great read! Enjoyed it almost as much as the first - I think it moved a bit too fast in the wrong places and didn't spend enough time setting up the nomes' new world, I would have liked to hear a lot more about their adaption to life in the quarry. The climax of the story was somewhat similar to the first one, but that was fine. I felt it got a bit glossed over though, could have been bigger and more dramatic.Was still good though, the progression of ideas from the first book was very smooth and it built a lot on the character of the nomes' society. Need to go get number three now.

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