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Terry Pratchett books

Terry Pratchett
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Read Books by Terry Pratchett


The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic & The Light Fantastic (2008)

The artists here have quite the challenge - how do you adapt Pratchett's first two magnificent Discworld books in a way that does justice to them? So much of Pratchett's genius is in the narration and dialogue, and much of that doesn't work in a graphic novel. Still, this does a good job of tel...

The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic & The Light Fantastic (2008) by Terry Pratchett

The Long Mars (2014)

Fantastic storyline in with much more going on than The Long War. the interactions of Sally and Maggie are really awesome. Their quests are becoming much more interesting and the consequences of everyone's actions are much more strongly felt. I still think there's not that much going on in terms ...

The Long Mars (2014) by Terry Pratchett

The Long War (2013)

At least as good as the first book in the series.The step between The Long Earth and The Long War (and between the Long War and The Long Mars, for that matter) are more like different chapters in a book, or between different episodes in a TV-show than what I would generally expect of books in a s...

The Long War (2013) by Terry Pratchett

A Blink of the Screen: Collected Short Fiction (2012)

I love Sir Terry Pratchett's works, he is great. This collection of short stories has some from the Discworld series, but a majority were just other stories not related to it, and both were great. My favourite one is with Death as the main character, "Death and What Comes Next," which also has on...

A Blink of the Screen: Collected Short Fiction (2012) by Terry Pratchett

The Long Mars LP (2014)

Very torn on this one. The book is chock-full of fascinating scientific, ethical, and philosophical ideas; yet the plotting is absent or very bad, as is the pacing. So it's certainly not a gripping story; however, it offers excellent worldbuilding --the occasional political naivite aside--, with ...

The Long Mars LP (2014) by Terry Pratchett

Długa wojna (2014)

Originally, when I finished this book I gave it four stars here on Goodreads and quickly clicked over to my next To-Read. Then I thought about it overnight and realized that this wasn't that great of a novel. The first one was great, a cool though experiment in parallel universes, A.I., and cre...

Długa wojna (2014) by Terry Pratchett

Mgnienie ekranu (2013)

How do I say this without ruining my credibility as a long-time sci-fi/fantasy fan? This is the first of Terry Pratchett's work that I've read. His name was definitely not unknown to me, but I'd never gotten around to reading anything of his. So when I saw this book on my Amazon Vine newsletter, ...

Mgnienie ekranu (2013) by Terry Pratchett

A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-Fiction (2014)

I don't know why I was surprised as I was that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. While it's simply a compilation of non-fiction pieces that Pratchett has done (forewords, articles, speeches, etc), his humor is always present...even when he's incandescent with rage. It's another doorway into which...

A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-Fiction (2014) by Terry Pratchett

Dragons at Crumbling Castle (2014)

Dragons at Crumbling Castle is a collection of 14 tales for children by Terry Pratchett but, trust me, you don’t need to be a child to appreciate them – all you need is a sense of humour and whimsy and perhaps a little private space so that people won’t stare at you funny when you read them on th...

Dragons at Crumbling Castle (2014) by Terry Pratchett

Witches Abroad (2002)

Witches Abroad is the 12th Discworld novel by Sir Terry Pratchett. The thing about Discworld is that you don't necessarily have to read his books in order. They all take place in the same world, and all the characters pop up and make cameos in each other's stories, but it doesn't really matter. B...

Witches Abroad (2002) by Terry Pratchett

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (2006)

In my personal hierarchy of books, this one comes a close second after Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. What can I say - like (diabolical) father, like (infernal) son. "It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused not ...

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (2006) by Terry Pratchett

The Color of Magic (2005)

Reading The Color of Magic is akin to eating an entire bowl of ice cream just a little too fast...sure, it may cause your head to hurt at times, but the sweet rewards make it all worth it!Filled with ambitious wizards and ruthless assassins, the city of Ankh-Morpork has survived many dangers in t...

The Color of Magic (2005) by Terry Pratchett

Feet of Clay (2005)

tCSI: Ankh-Morpork, that is to say the Watch storyline of the Discworld series, continues in Feet of clay and once again there’s more socio-political philosophy than you can shake a stick at. Marxism, feminism, you name it, Pratchett’s got it, though fortunately they are presented in a much more ...

Feet of Clay (2005) by Terry Pratchett

Men at Arms (2003)

Men at Arms, the first[1] book in Pratchett's City Watch subseries, makes for a wonderful introduction to the characters and world of Discworld. Admittedly, it's comparitively weak in some respects; like so many other series I've encountered, it suffers from "first book syndrome": weaker characte...

Men at Arms (2003) by Terry Pratchett

Jingo (2006)

The Complete Discworld RereadI am a Granny Weatherwax guy. With no hesitation. You ask me which Pratchett story arc is the best and I will yell to the world how awesome the witches of Lancre are. But I got a dirty secret; it wasn’t always this way to me. Granny is the other woman, the one I l...

Jingo (2006) by Terry Pratchett

Soul Music (1999)

Rock n Roll invades the Discworld26 July 2014tWell, I can't believe that I have just finished my 16th Terry Pratchett Discworld novel, and that is over two years (no, not sixteen books in two years, 16 Discworld novels in two years) since I decided that I would give Pratchett the benefit of the d...

Soul Music (1999) by Terry Pratchett

The Light Fantastic (2000)

"Inside every sane person, there's a madman struggling to get out. That's what I've always thought. No one goes mad quicker than a totally sane person." The second installment in the Discworld series is a bigger, funnier delight. One heck of a Laugh Out Loud read.Something I consider very special...

The Light Fantastic (2000) by Terry Pratchett

Mort (2001)

This review contains major spoilers for the movie Pusher 3The central joke in Mort is that Death is basically, you know, just a guy doing a job. The other day, I thought of Terry Pratchett's novel for the first time in ages when we saw I'm The Angel of Death, Nicolas Winding Refn's brilliant co...

Mort (2001) by Terry Pratchett

Pyramids (2015)

3.5 / 5As always, I will avoid going into describing the synopsis of the book, you can read that up there ^. Though, as is usual the case with Pratchett's books, the blurb won't really help you much. Instead, I will go straight into my review.Quick summary?: If you generally like Terry Pratchett'...

Pyramids (2015) by Terry Pratchett

Small Gods (2005)

This was the first Pratchett book I read, and I'm glad of it. While it has the humor and satire that is inherent in all of the Discworld books, it also has something else - something to say. It was evident, even from the first time I read this book, that Pratchett had put some real heavy thinking...

Small Gods (2005) by Terry Pratchett

The Truth (2002)

Complete Discworld Reread “An’ then…then I’m gonna get medieval on his arse.” There were more pressing problems but this one intrigued Mr. Pin. “How, exactly?” he said. “I thought maybe a maypole,” said Mr. Tulip reflectively. “An’ then a display of country dancing, land tillage under t...

The Truth (2002) by Terry Pratchett

Reaper Man (2005)

Original review posted on The Book SmugglersReaper Man is a book that I find really hard to define. It would be so easy to simply describe it as a hilarious – or even absurdist – romp about the chaos that ensues after Death is (forcibly) retired without an immediate replacement to take over his ...

Reaper Man (2005) by Terry Pratchett

Maskerade (1995)

I loved this book. Gee, I say that about every Pratchett book, don't I?Ah well, it can't be helped. Pratchett has his own unique wonderful style and is truly a master at his craft.So many things that I loved about this book.1. I love Agnes. Her struggles and voice was authentic for being an over-...

Maskerade (1995) by Terry Pratchett

Johnny and the Bomb (2007)

Today I am revisiting my very first blogs posts here and on my other blog Randomly Reading. It isn't because I haven't been reading, I have actually read lots of blogable books lately. I just thought it would be fun to see this again. And I still love it as much now as I did on all subsequent ...

Johnny and the Bomb (2007) by Terry Pratchett

The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld (2007)

I’m a fairly new fan of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, but I got really into it after listening to Monstrous Regiment read by Stephen Briggs. So I got this book from Amazon a little while ago and overall I really like it. It is a way for me to (sort of) know what some stories are about without havi...

The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld (2007) by Terry Pratchett

Thud! (2006)

"What kind of creature defines itself by hatred?"That is the overarching theme of Terry Pratchett's Thud! which is indisputably one of his best works - in content and execution and the amount of serious thinking it makes me do after seeing the usual 'mundane' things through the prism of Pratchett...

Thud! (2006) by Terry Pratchett

Monstrous Regiment (2003)

Pratchett addresses two questions here: (1) “Do you think it's possible for an entire nation to be insane?” and (2) Does - and, more importantly, should - a well-placed pair of socks (for 'certain' sort of padding) make a difference? “The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to b...

Monstrous Regiment (2003) by Terry Pratchett

Interesting Times (1998)

Rincewind in China22 August 2015tWhen my friend leant me this book he simply said 'Rincewind' at which I rolled my eyes. I must say that Rincewind is certainly not my favourite Discworld character, even though some of the books in which he has starred have been quite good. However I wasn't really...

Interesting Times (1998) by Terry Pratchett

Guards! Guards!: The Play (1997)

Adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs, in this book the city of Ankh-Morpork is under threat from a 60 foot fire-breathing dragon, summoned by a secret society of malcontented tradesmen. Defending the city is the underpaid and undervalued City Night Watch.

Guards! Guards!: The Play (1997) by Terry Pratchett

Making Money (2007)

Author: Terry PratchettTitle: Making MoneyFormat: eBookRating: 5/5I love Terry Pratchett. Love, love, love him. He's funny, which in my book is one of the most important qualities an author can have. He's warm and he's smart, which makes his humour smart and his books smart as well. Prior to read...

Making Money (2007) by Terry Pratchett

Thief of Time (2015)

Üheksa kümnendikku universumi massist on seletamata, sest see tegeleb ülejäänud universumi seletamisega - ja iseenda kukalt pole ju võimalik näha (välja arvatud väga väikestes universumites).Poe uksekell kõlises. Jeremy ohkas ja pani kellassepamonokli lauale. Kuid ta ei kiirustanud. Tema poes oli...

Thief of Time (2015) by Terry Pratchett

The Fifth Elephant (2008)

I know that many have stated that there had been a decline in his writing as time goes on… I personally would have to disagree. There is a change in his writing; however I feel that it has been for the better. As his book have progressed, he has leaned less toward the quick giggle and insane ru...

The Fifth Elephant (2008) by Terry Pratchett

Wintersmith (2006)

While I went a bit nuts with the quotes, I was actually quite restrained. There is so much that is funny in this third installment in the Tiffany Aching fantasy series about an apprentice witch (it's thirty-fifth in the overall Discworld fantasy series).In 2007, Wintersmith won a Locus Award for ...

Wintersmith (2006) by Terry Pratchett

Sourcery (2008)

Why wizard's don't have children16 September 2012tWhile the forth book in Pratchett's Discworld series is still amusing, and very colourful, I found it to be a little duller than the others that I have so far read. Some have suggested that it is because we have Rincewind and the Luggage but no Tw...

Sourcery (2008) by Terry Pratchett

Night Watch (2011)

"...Не то, чтобы город погряз в беззаконии - как раз законов у него было в избытке. Просто он создавал для граждан не так уж много возможностей существовать без их нарушения. Свингу и в голову не могло придти, что цель его службы - ловить преступников и, не мытьём так катаньем, делать из них поря...

Night Watch (2011) by Terry Pratchett

A Hat Full of Sky (2005)

Dedicated to the memory of Sir Terry Pratchett, who passed away soon after I started reading the book.I have made, over the past twenty years, many friends among the inhabitants of the wacky disc-shaped world sailing through space on the backs of four elephants, carried in their turn by a giant t...

A Hat Full of Sky (2005) by Terry Pratchett

The Last Hero (2002)

Un libro di Terry Pratchett è sempre una garanzia ma ci sono volte che cominci con qualche riserva: The Last Hero è un libro illustrato di 176 pagine con, credo, un terzo delle parole che ci sono di solito.Che sia brutto non te lo aspetti. Che sia meno... sì.Ma Terry Pratchett è un genio e non do...

The Last Hero (2002) by Terry Pratchett

Equal Rites (2005)

Granny takes on the old boys club4 August 2012tThere are a few things that I have to say before commenting on this book as such. Firstly this is the second time that I read it, but I have listed it as a read book because when I read it the first time the friend who had lent it to me then proceede...

Equal Rites (2005) by Terry Pratchett

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (2001)

Всичко започва от по-далеч. От това как едни плъхове започнали да Мислят. И осъзнали, че трябва да има правила (нещо, което дори на нас, хората, често ни убягва. Например простичкото правило „Не пикай, където се храниш“. Доста човеци изглежда смятат, че са над тия неща). Уличният котарак Морис пр...

The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (2001) by Terry Pratchett

Going Postal (2005)

Letters want to be delivered - and if they don't, you can get some nasty surprises. Especially in the post office in Ankh-Morpork where letters haven't been delievered for years and years.. and are starting to talk...So to solve this problem, the Patrician and tyrant Lord Vetinari 'hires' con-art...

Going Postal (2005) by Terry Pratchett

Carpe Jugulum (1999)

The reviews here are quite varied on this book, they are all obviously written by Pratchett fans however one of the problems with being a Pratchett fan is that he has SO many novels that you are bound to find a few that aren’t your taste. I personally loved this book. My favorite of Pratchett’s...

Carpe Jugulum (1999) by Terry Pratchett

Truckers: The First Book of the Nomes (2015)

This was one of the funniest books I've read lately. The nomes are so funny as they learn and interact with human world. Indeed it is children literature, but of great quality and one type of story that adults can enjoy as well.The premise in children literature is usually formed of the ethical c...

Truckers: The First Book of the Nomes (2015) by Terry Pratchett

Strata (2005)

I am so glad that, when I was introduced to Terry Pratchett, the book I was given was the Colour of Magic and not thie one.If this had been my first exposure to Pratchett, I doubt I would ever have bothered to read anything of his ever again.Now that I know Pratchett's work better, I can look bac...

Strata (2005) by Terry Pratchett

Wyrd Sisters: The Play (1996)

Adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs, in this tale there is a wicked duke and duchess, a ghost of a murdered king, dim soldiers, strolling players, and a land in peril. But it is three witches who stand between the Kingdom and destruction.

Wyrd Sisters: The Play (1996) by Terry Pratchett

Now We Are Sick: An Anthology of Nasty Verse (2005)

A collection of funny, frivolous and frightening poems by thirty of the world's best known science fiction, fantasy and horror authors. It includes poems by: Brian Aldiss, Sharon Baker, Robert Bloch, Ramsey Campbell, Simon Ian Childer, Storm Constantine, Galad Elflandsson, Jo Fletcher, John M For...

Now We Are Sick: An Anthology of Nasty Verse (2005) by Terry Pratchett

The Carpet People (2013)

This delightful story has just recently been rewritten by the author, almost forty years after he first produced parts of it for a column in his local newspaper. After reading this, no one will be able to look down at the floor again, or at the carpet or rug covering it, without wondering what wo...

The Carpet People (2013) by Terry Pratchett

Diggers (1991)

*Aproape că am avut un atac de panică - am crezut că nu am luat și volumul III cu mine*Cartea asta, spre mică diferență de prima, e într-adevăr perfectă. Să povestesc.Deci nomii s-au stabilit în Cariera asta de piatră doar că prin hotărârea Consiliului Local, oamenii se întorc acolo. Deci nomii t...

Diggers (1991) by Terry Pratchett

The Last Continent (2006)

Quick - what do you know about Australia?I reckon if you live in Australia, you probably know quite a lot. If you've known someone from Australia or perhaps have visited there, you might know a few things. If your experience is limited to a few "Crocodile Dundee" movies and the Crocodile Hunter, ...

The Last Continent (2006) by Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett's Hogfather: The Illustrated Screenplay (2009)

Death: Humans need fantasy to *be* human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.Susan: With tooth fairies? Hogfathers?Death: Yes. As practice, you have to start out learning to believe the little lies.Susan: So we can believe the big ones?Death: Yes. Justice, mercy, duty. T...

Terry Pratchett's Hogfather: The Illustrated Screenplay (2009) by Terry Pratchett

Mort: The Play (1996)

Adapted for the stage by Stephen Briggs, this tells the story of Mort, who has been chosen as Death's apprentice. He gets board and lodging and free use of company horse, and doesn't even need time off for his grandmother's funeral. The trouble begins when instead of collecting the soul of a prin...

Mort: The Play (1996) by Terry Pratchett

The Dark Side of the Sun (1988)

Като говорим за нещо, каквото и да е, на Пратчет, трябва винаги да сме сигурни, че ще има значителна ебавка със жанра, независимо за кой точно ще настане въпрос. Точно тази книжка се явява саркастичния трибют към всичко сайфайско обично и международно, като дори и аз можах да зацепя паралелите с ...

The Dark Side of the Sun (1988) by Terry Pratchett

The Long Cosmos (2016)

Cutler pointed to a wooden post with a red-painted top and a number etched into its side. ‘You can see we’re trying to impose some organization on this place.’ Roberta said, ‘To a large extent the whole facility is self-organizing. The Thinker itself has, or at least is incrementally developing, ...

The Long Cosmos (2016) by Terry Pratchett

Moving Pictures

It is said that the book was written in one day after Achmed drank too much of the strange thick Klatchian coffee which doesn’t just sober you up, but takes you through sobriety and out the other side, so that you glimpse the real universe beyond the clouds of warm self-delusion that sapient life...

Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett


Because of Science, this happens whether you know about gravity or not. Which goes to show that Science is happening all the time. From A Scientific Encyclopaedia for the Enquiring Young Nome by Angalo de Haberdasheri.   Angalo looked around. "Gurder, come on." Gurder leaned against a tuft of gra...

Wings by Terry Pratchett


It might contain anything, Mau thought. And that was the point, wasn’t it? You had to find out. You had to know. And Daphne didn’t seem concerned. Mau told her that there would probably be bones, and she said that was fine, because bones didn’t try to kill you, and that since she had got the mess...

Nation by Terry Pratchett

Snuff (2011)

He had slept the sleep of the dead except for the bit where bits fall off and you crumble into dust, and all he could recall was cool blackness and, rising now to the surface, a certainty, as if a message had been left in the blackness to await the return of thought. He is after you, Blackboard M...

Snuff (2011) by Terry Pratchett

The Wee Free Men

said Tiffany. She looked around. Feegles were picking themselves up and grumbling, but no one was going “Waily waily waily.” And Rob Anybody wasn’t making any sense at all. “Well, if you think you’re dead, then what are they?” she went on, pointing to a couple of small bodies. “Oh, they’ve gone b...

The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

Raising Steam

Nothing travels everywhere, always ahead of something, and in the great cloud of unknowing nothing yearns to become something, to break out, to move, to feel, to change, to dance and to experience – in short, to be something. And now it found its chance as it drifted in the ether. Nothing, of cou...

Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett

Guards! Guards!

Guards!     @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } UNANIMOUS PRAISE FOR TERRY PRATCHETT“Pratchett has now moved beyond the limits of humorous fantasy, and should be recognized as one of the more significant contemporary English language satirists.”Publish...

Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett


He also piddled on one of the turnips for the same reason, although only metaphorically, because when you are a small skeleton in a black robe there are also some things you technically cannot do.Then he leapt down from the table and left sherry-flavored footprints all the way to the tree that st...

Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

The Long Utopia

Of course it was from Oswald Hackett. Even a quarter-century after that fateful encounter with Radcliffe in the dungeons of Windsor Castle, no matter how he had hidden his past – even to the extent of changing the family name – Luis had always known that Hackett would be able to find him, that su...

The Long Utopia by Terry Pratchett

The Colour of Magic

Where it licked the Wizards' Quarter it burned blue and green and was even laced with strange sparks of the eighth colour, octarine; where its outriders found their way into the vats and oil stores all along Merchants Street it progressed in a series of blazing fountains and explosions; in the st...

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett

The Long Earth

Joshua could sense him, sense that a kind of purposefulness had returned to the ship, even before the ambulant unit joined him on the observation deck, as he drank the first coffee of the day. Sally was evidently still asleep. They were stepping gently, and worlds washed beneath them. As ever the...

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett

The Shepherd's Crown

Then, together, they gently lifted the basket into the wheelbarrow, and placed the shovels on either side of her.Tiffany picked up the handles of the barrow. ‘Ye stay here now, Rob,’ she said to the Feegle as he and his little band appeared from their varied hiding places and lined up behind her....

The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett

A Slip of the Keyboard (2014)

I was the boy who came late. Not one of the real dunces, but more goat than sheep. H. W. Tame, the master, apparently believed he could divine in a six-year-old which secondary school that boy or girl would go on to—and since I was a goat, he had me down as one of the losers. My mum wasn’t going ...

A Slip of the Keyboard (2014) by Terry Pratchett


Run to the Lifts Lifts, won’t you carry me? Run to the Walls, Walls, won’t you hide me? Run to the Truck, Truck, won’t you take me? All on that Day. From The Book of Nome, Exits Chap. 1, v. I. IT STARTED WITH silence when there should have been noise. All the nomes were used to the distant thumpi...

Truckers by Terry Pratchett

Unseen Academicals (2009)

Everyone is entitled to vote, unless disqualified by reason of age or not being Lord Vetinari.      And yet it does work. This has annoyed a number of people who feel, somehow, that it should not, and who want a monarch instead, thus replacing a man who has achieved his position by cunning, a dee...

Unseen Academicals (2009) by Terry Pratchett


Dodger had once asked Solomon why he had chosen to come to England, and Solomon had said, ‘Mmm, well, my dear, it seems to me that in the pinch most governments settle for shooting their people, but in England they have to ask permission first. Also, people don’t much mind what you’re doing as lo...

Dodger by Terry Pratchett

A Blink of the Screen

As a former journalist, I think that’s far too good a story to check. This was written for the magazine Time Out for Christmas 1987. I wanted to write a kind of Victorian horror story in which the covers of a row of Christmas cards come to life. And what better starting point than the jolly mail ...

A Blink of the Screen by Terry Pratchett

The World of Poo

He sat on the seat with his legs dangling while Widdler the dog ran round in circles unravelling a roll of soft paper, clearly in some kind of dog heaven. Geoffrey felt like a king on his grand throne. Indeed, like many a king, he was perched on the edge precariously, quite concerned that if he w...

The World of Poo by Terry Pratchett

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