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Read Series: Chocoholics

by Author Tara Sivec


Love and Lists (2000)

I completely fell in love with this group of friends especially the adorable little inappropriate Gavin in Chocolate Lovers series.Oh Boy now Gavin is all grown up and in love with his best friend he grew up with. All I can say is it a good thing they grew up knowing each others families. They al...

Love and Lists (2000) by Tara Sivec

Passion and Ponies (2000)

I couldn't wait to start this book! I have loved all the stories so far, this book was just as good! I laughed so hard I was crying! This story is about Tyler and Ava, both denying it's more than casual. I mean why would Ava love a brony? Seriously, this book is amazing, Tara knows what she's doi...

Passion and Ponies (2000) by Tara Sivec