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Tara Sivec books

Tara Sivec
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Read Books by Tara Sivec


Futures and Frosting (2000)

The laughs and the craziness from Seductions and Snacks continue here in Futures and Frostings and Tara Sivec seriously knows how to write FUNNNY!!The story continues with Claire and Carter journey in getting to know each other from where they left off in book 1. I was so glad for the dual POV he...

Futures and Frosting (2000) by Tara Sivec

Passion and Ponies (2000)

I couldn't wait to start this book! I have loved all the stories so far, this book was just as good! I laughed so hard I was crying! This story is about Tyler and Ava, both denying it's more than casual. I mean why would Ava love a brony? Seriously, this book is amazing, Tara knows what she's doi...

Passion and Ponies (2000) by Tara Sivec

Troubles and Treats (2000)

loving the humour in these books. This series is just to funny. This book made me cry from laughter at least 7 times.Amazing

Troubles and Treats (2000) by Tara Sivec

Love and Lists (2000)

I completely fell in love with this group of friends especially the adorable little inappropriate Gavin in Chocolate Lovers series.Oh Boy now Gavin is all grown up and in love with his best friend he grew up with. All I can say is it a good thing they grew up knowing each others families. They al...

Love and Lists (2000) by Tara Sivec

Tattoos and Tatas (2000)

Tara does an amazing job of creating a story that leaves you with tears in your eyes from laughter and the emotional toll something like this has on a person. If you haven't read this series, your missing out on something amazing! The love these characters have for each other is amazing, and so i...

Tattoos and Tatas (2000) by Tara Sivec

Seduzione deliziosa (2014)

I'm not really sure how I felt about this book! I loved the story itself and was executed really well, no big misunderstanding and drama,loved ALL the characters, it would have been 5* for me if it hadn't been so extremely vulgar. Well, the language was very vulgar, to the point that it was nause...

Seduzione deliziosa (2014) by Tara Sivec

Hearts and Llamas (2000)

This is a short (i.e. about 20 pages) story which I read to finish off the series. I am not a short story person. I never seem to get anything out of them. So my comments need to be read in light of that. This story was set after book 3 and had the main cast of characters from the series disc...

Hearts and Llamas (2000) by Tara Sivec

Intrigo delizioso (2014)

Ok guys, they're back! And I hope like hell you read book #1 in this series. If your sense of humor did not fit well with Seductions and Snacks, it will most definitely not fit here. You have been warned and I must say, if by the crazy chance you didn't find the first book funny, your friendship ...

Intrigo delizioso (2014) by Tara Sivec

Shame on Him (2014)

Lorelei wasn't a very likable heroine. She was frosty and came off a little stuck up. I know it's part of her backstory, what with having such uptight parents and all, but I just didn't like her. I mean, the woman didn't curse for like, 85% of the book - which is fine, obviously -- then she grows...

Shame on Him (2014) by Tara Sivec

Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, and Inappropriate Behavior (2013)

I read this series a while back and as much as I love this series, I remember why I didn’t care for it so much to the first time. I felt that there was way to much cussing and way to many things that normal adults my age wouldn’t say. And as cute as Gavin was I wouldn’t have let him talk the way ...

Chocolate Lovers: Sweet Stories About Love, Friendship, and Inappropriate Behavior (2013) by Tara Sivec

Cupid Has a Heart-On (The Holidays #2)

Closing the door to the taxi, I smack my hand on the roof to let the driver know he can leave, then turn to face my friend, Alex, as the car takes off. “Dude, it’s fine. I told you, Noel’s family is awesome. A tad on the crazy side, but awesome. Her mother will fawn all over you and force-feed yo...

Cupid Has a Heart-On (The Holidays #2) by Tara Sivec

A Beautiful Lie

Brady asked as he picked up the cell phone he’d dropped when Garrett had come barreling around the corner.“Talking to Milo,” Garrett growled.  “What’s going on?  Did you find out anything?”Brady took a step past Garrett to peer around the corner and saw Milo and Parker talking in front of the Vil...

A Beautiful Lie by Tara Sivec

Tattoos and TaTas (Chocoholics #2.5)

Still too many years ago to count…   “YOU GUYS! THERE’S a party at Pi Kappa Phi tonight! You absolutely HAVE to go!” Claire and I glanced up from our spot on the floor of our dorm room where we’d been looking through our pile of VHS movies trying to decide if it was a Girls Just Want to Have Fun ...

Tattoos and TaTas (Chocoholics #2.5) by Tara Sivec

Love and Lists (Chocoholics)

A total disaster,” I complain with a sigh. “I’m confused. How was it a disaster when you touched his penis?” I glare at Rocco and signal the bartender for a refill of my Moscato. This is going to take a lot of booze. “I think I’m going to need you to start at the beginning because I really don’t ...

Love and Lists (Chocoholics) by Tara Sivec

Watch Over Me

Thompson asks.     Her office is bright and airy, and at the start of every meeting, she apologizes and then gets up to shut the blinds, covering the window above her desk so the sun doesn't blind either of us. She always makes a joke about wanting to blind me so I'll forget I...

Watch Over Me by Tara Sivec

Seduction and Snacks

Sex and Chocolate  "He was my favorite uncle. Good old Uncle Willie. I sure am gonna miss him." I rolled my eyes and drained the last of my beer, listening to my best friend Drew on the barstool next to me try to pick up one of the waitresses. "Oooooh, you poor baby. You must be so sad," she told...

Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec

The Stocking Was Hung

I want to curse at Sam as he stands a few feet away, browsing through a stack of sweaters on a display table at Macy’s, but it’s not his fault I feel like I should be at a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting. After the stellar blow job—if I do say so myself—I gave him in Santa’s Workshop, we argued up ...

The Stocking Was Hung by Tara Sivec

Shame on You

I can feel every solid inch of his naked body against my back and I burrow closer to him until his erection is nestled against my ass.     “I’ve wanted you like this for eighteen years,” he murmurs against the side of my neck before nibbling on my skin with his teeth.  &n...

Shame on You by Tara Sivec

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